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Sacramento Heeds the Call from The Sacramento Children’s Home


In yet another act of outreach, our Sacramento location has come to the aid of its community. The Sacramento Children’s Home put out the call for new and gently used Halloween costumes, party decorations and candy. The attorneys and office staff of the Sacramento office overwhelmingly answered the call. Shea Conway, Managing Partner said, “The compassion ignited by ATB CARES has become infectious. While I was buying costumes at Costco, the manager asked what they were all for. I explained to her our efforts to help those children in need at the Sacramento Children’s Home and she told me to go get 5 more costumes for free!

“The overwhelming gratitude of the Sacramento Children’s Home upon receipt of the Halloween costumes, party decorations and candy cannot be put into words,” said Shea.

We at ATB are so proud of our Sacramento attorneys and staff who have truly embraced the ATB Cares Initiative and made a difference in so many deserving lives with the continued support of those in their community.

The Sacramento Children’s Home mission is to open doors to the future by maximizing the potential of children and families. Through a comprehensive spectrum of prevention, early intervention and mental health treatment programs, they are able to strengthen families and break the generational cycle of child abuse and neglect. This organization was established back in 1867, when the city was expanding so fast that the need for assistance for the destitute families living on its riverbanks could not be ignored. A group of concerned citizens rallied to the call back then and fast forward to today, where the Children’s Home is the most comprehensive child and family service agency in Sacramento County.

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